
How GOD Makes Men

 I have read an incredible book: "HOW GOD MAKES MEN" and I got to share it with my late friend Jean-Francois Pomerleau and another friend Shungo Wada. This book is a VALUABLE tool for all men seeking to become instruments of GOD. It shows and teaches principles through 10 Biblical Men who GOD used for HIS purpose. An incredible and inspiring read!

My utmost for his highest

A book recommended by Mr. Charles Stanley.



A weight off my shoulders

I understand better why Jesus came on earth 2000 years ago. He came to take our sins so that we may have life in him. God knows we are not perfect but we were made perfect in Christ. I do not have to carry the weight of the world. But I can carry the challenges God wants me to carry through Christ. I am strong and getting stronger in the Lord. I listen to the Holy Spirit in every decision I make. I am guided and I am developing my faith even more. I thank the Lord for all the blessings that have come and will continue to come my way. Amen.

Reflecting on my growth as a Christian

I went to a Bible sharing event with Fumiko and a godly woman from South Africa named Christina. We read about Phillip in the New Testament who gets visited by an angel and instructed to follow the word of God. He acts like Jesus. He learns from doing godly work for the glory of God. This teaching reminded me of my walk with Christ and how I am growing as a Christian. I also was reminded that once we accept Jesus as our saviour, we don't have to worry anymore. We are being guided by the Holy Spirit.

Au Plaisir de Dieu (At God's pleasure)

Reading a great Book in French: "Au Plaisir de Dieu", which translates into: "At God's pleasure."

My Copy of the New Testament. 🙏🏻🌟

Reading my copy of the New Testament that was given to me by Father Humphries.